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International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management >> Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2016

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management

Inflation and Growth in the USA, From Eisenhower to G. W. Bush: A Descriptive Study

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Author Alouani Ahmed
ISSN 2307-2466
On Pages 61-67
Volume No. 4
Issue No. 2
Issue Date April 01, 2020
Publishing Date April 01, 2020
Keywords link, inflation and growth, United States, presidential terms.


The relationship between inflation and growth has attracted much attention whether in traditional theories or the theories of endogenous growth. In this context, and in what follows we studied the relationship between inflation and growth in the United States over the period 1951-1982 and the period 1983-2004, we reviewed some presidential terms that marked economic history of the United States such as the mandate of Reagan (Reaganomics), the Bush presidential term, the mandate Clinton and George W. Bush Jr. mandate , to conclude with a ranking , in terms of inflation and growth, of the different mandates since the end of World War II until 2004. Our conclusions are as follows: all scenarios are possible, low inflation may be accompanied by low growth or high growth, and high inflation may be associated with low growth or high growth.

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